
该系列: 人生颂 共 2 篇, 此篇为第 [part not set]





A psalm of life
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me not in mournful numbers, 莫将烦恼著诗篇(勿以忧时言),
Life is but an empty dream! 百岁原如一觉眠(人生若虚梦)
For the soul is dead that slumbers梦短梦长同是梦(性灵睡即与死无异)
And things are not what they seem. 独留其气满坤乾(不仅形骸,尚有灵在)

Life is real! Life is earnest! 天地生材总不虚(人生世上,行走非虚生也,总期有用)
And the grave is not its goal; 由来豹死尚留皮(何谓死埋方至极处)
Dust thou art , to dust returnest, 纵然出土仍归土(圣书所云人身原土,终当归土)
Was not spoken of the soul. 灵性常存无绝期(此言人身,非谓灵也)

Not enjoyment , and not sorrow, 无端忧乐日相循(其乐其忧,均不可专务)
Is our destin’d end or way; 天命斯人自有真(天之生人,别有所命)
But to act, that each to-morrow.人法天行强不息(所命者作为专图,日日长进)
Find us farther than to-day. 一时功业一时新(明日尤要更有进步)

Art is long , and time is fleeting. 无术挥戈学鲁阳(作事需时,惜时飞去),
And our hearts , though stout and brave. 枉谈肝胆异寻常(人心纵有壮胆定志)
Still , like muffled drums , are beating” 一从《薤露》歌声起(仍如丧鼓之敲)
Funeral marches to the grave丘陇无人宿草荒(皆系向墓道去)

In the world’s broad field of battle, 扰攘红尘听鼓鼙(人世如大战场)
In the bivouac of Life, 风吹大漠草萋萋(如众军林下野盘)
Be not like dumb, driven cattle! 驽骀甘待鞭笞下(莫如牛羊无言,待人驱策)
Be a hero in the strife! 骐骥谁能辔勒羁(争宜勉力作英雄)

Trust no future. howe’er pleasant! 休道将来乐有时(勿言异日有可乐之时)
Let the dead Past bury its dead! 可怜往事不堪思(既往日亦由已埋已)
Act, act in the living Present! 只今有力均须努(目下努力切切)
Heart within, and God O’erhead!人力殚时天佑之(中尽己心,上赖天佑)

Lives of great men all remind us 千秋万代远蜚声(著名人传,看则系念)
We can make our lives sublime, 学步金鳌顶上行(想我们在世,亦可置身高处)
And departing, leave behind us 已去冥鸿犹有迹(去世时尚有痕迹)
Footprints on the sands of time; 雪泥爪印认分明(势如留在海边沙面)

Footprints that perhaps another, 茫茫尘世海中沤(盖人世如同大海)
Sailing o’er life solemn main, 才过来舟又去舟(果有他人过海)
A forlorn and shipwrecked brother, 欲问失风谁挽救(船只搁浅,受难失望)
Seeing, shall take heart again, 沙洲遗迹可探求(见海边有迹,才知有可解免)

Let us, then, be up and doing, 一鞭从此跃征鞍(顾此即应奋起动身)
With a heart for any fate;不到峰头心不甘(心中预定,无论如何,总期有济)
Still achieving, still pursuing 日进日高还日上(日有成功,愈求进功)
Learn to labour and to wait.旨教中道偶停骖(习其用工坚忍,不可中止)。
